A few days ago a friend told me about his daily sleep routine and I had to give it a try. He calls it “Sleep: 3,2,1.” A bedtime routine is important because it sets us up for a better night’s rest and ultimately for a better day the next day.
When we sleep, our brains are actually quite active. Sleep is important for our overall health, and it helps our brains to consolidate memories, repair damage, and perform other important functions.
During sleep, our brains go through different stages of activity. The first stage is light sleep, during which we may experience brief moments of wakefulness. The second stage is a deeper sleep, during which we may be less aware of our surroundings. The third and final stage is REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, during which we dream.
Getting to REM requires a little bit of effort for some of us. Here is a 3 step method to get there.
3 hours before bed – Stop eating and calm your body

3-hours prior to bed limit yourself to water or de-caffeinated tea. It is important to eat your evening meal at least 3 hours before bed because eating can stimulate your digestive system and make it harder to fall asleep.
Some of the foods to avoid when trying to get a good night’s rest include:
- Caffeinated beverages: Coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, etc.
- Heavy meals: Eating a large meal before bed can cause indigestion and make it difficult to sleep.
Spicy foods: Spicy foods can cause heartburn and indigestion.
Instead, consider the following for your evening meal to get an even better night’s rest:
- Complex carbohydrates: Whole-grain bread, oatmeal, quinoa, etc.
- Lean proteins: Chicken, fish, tofu, legumes, etc.
- Healthy fats: Avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, etc.
2 hours before bed – Stop Working and Calm your mind

STOP Working and calm your mind. Your mind needs time to disconnect from the work it’s been doing all day. To help your mind relax, try a calming activity such as reading, yoga, or taking a bath. It is important to calm our minds before bed because it reduces cortisol levels in our body. Cortisol is an important stress hormone that if left unattended can wreak havoc on our health. stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which causes an increased heart rate and high blood pressure that keeps you alert.
Here are 10 great reasons to calm your mind at least two hours before bed:
- It boosts creativity – even while you sleep.
- It improves concentration throughout the night and into the next day.
- It improves your mood for a better night’s rest.
- A calm mind is less likely to look for coping substances (food or alcohol)
- It slows your heat rate down
- It improves digestion
- It allows your brain time to process deeper thoughts, experience, joy, and practice gratitude.
- It strengthens neural pathways to be build a stringer nervous system
- It gives you space to think about things to related to work or other stressors
- It helps you connect with loved ones, be authentic and experience intimacy
To occupy your time consider:
- Going for a walk
- Weeding the flower beds
- Calling your parents, your kids, or an old friend
- playing a card game with the person who normally watches TV with you
- Journaling
1 hour before bed – Stop using electronics, connect with yourself, each other.

One hour before you want to be asleep, turn off all electronics and start winding down for the evening. This means no more social media, and no more watching TV.
Many of us are addicted to our electronic devices and may require a “digital detox.“. Electronic devices such as cell phones and tablets have become essential for many of us but the convenience they create comes at a cost. The blue light that is emitted from these screens suppresses the release of melatonin, the hormone that makes us sleepy. In addition to this, the content that we are viewing on these screens is often stimulating which can make it difficult to fall asleep.
Instead of using a “blue screen”, try reading a book or listening to soft music.
Here are five things you can in the last few minutes before bed each night:
- Write in a journal
- Meditate or pray
- Read a book
- Take a bath
- Stretch or do some light yoga
Now it’s time for sleep! Remember to set your alarm 🙂