About Joe Willis

Welcome to Comprehensive Fitness, where the journey towards holistic well-being begins. I’m Joe Willis, a passionate advocate for comprehensive fitness and a certified coach dedicated to guiding individuals on their path to optimal health and wellness.

With over two decades of experience in leadership roles, I’ve honed my skills in on-the-ground leadership, strategic planning, leader development, resilience training, and comprehensive fitness coaching. My approach is deeply rooted in the belief that excellence is a journey, not a destination; that every moment of every day is a single opportunity to take a step forward in a relentless pursuit of a better self.

My Philosophy I live by the philosophy: “Relentlessly pursue a better self and inspire others to do the same.” This guiding principle shapes my mission at Comprehensive Fitness, where our goal is to help you unlock your full potential and live your best life.


  • Bachelors in Business Administration (2016)
  • Masters in Education; Specialized in Corporate Wellness (expected graduation December 2024)


  • Leadership Challenge Facilitator and LPI Coach
  • KATA Coach
  • Master Ethics Trainers (Ethical Reasoning)
  • Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute Graduate
  • #RANGEofResilience Master Trainer


By joe