As human beings we are conditioned with an implicit bias to see the bad stuff first.  It’s called , “the negativity bias.”  And when it comes to keeping us safe, it can be a good thing.  But all that negativity – even unconsciously can take a toll on our well-being.  Here’s a list of 10 reasons why it’s a good idea to hunt the good stuff.  

Consider the ways that having gratitude makes your life better:

  1. Increased energy. Happy people have more energy.  Research shows that being happy (a direct result of intentional gratitude) has a direct impact on productivity and every levels. 

  2. Seeing the small wins reminds us of the path toward our big goals. As we chug along down the path toward our goals and dreams it helps to take stock in the distance we’ve already traveled.  Stopping to celebrate the small wins can give us the push we need to keep moving. 

  3. Optimism builds on optimism. Stopping to briefly see the good in a situation might be just the platform you need to see the silver lining in the dark cloud.

  4. Super charge your enthusiasm. Research shows that when we share what we’re thankful for we become more enthusiastic about the future.
  • Awareness of the good stuff increases. When we build intentional gratitude practices into our daily routines, we find ourselves looking for the good.  Especially when we know we have to accountable to a fried, a family member, or even a journal. 
  • Use gratitude to reduce stress. When we express gratitude, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin.  These two hormones lower stress hormones and help us feel happier.

  • Taking stock in the good leads to contentment. Whether it’s the realization that it can always be worse or enlighten that you’ve got it pretty damn good, intentional gratitude can lea to a level of awareness and contentment that can completely change the way we see the world. 
  • Grattitude and exercise go hand in hand. Research shows that people who practice intentional gratitude tend to exercise more. 

  • You’ll be more kind.  Whether it’s that gratitude encourages self-improvement or that we gradually become happier it’s easier to be more kind when we’re grateful.   

  • The path to success becomes clearer. Celebrating the small wins and taking a moment to be thankful for the good things – no matter how small – can give us that moment of clarity we need to take the next step. Sometimes when we’re stress and feeling anxious we’re inclined to act without thinking.  A grateful mind is more clear and ready to make tough choices.