There is no denying that the New Year brings with it a sense of new beginnings. A time to reflect on the past twelve months and set resolutions for the coming year. For many, this means pledging to better themselves in some way or another. But what if your New Year’s resolution was a little more tangible? Could you guarantee three months of savings by December 31, 2023? Impossible. Not if you follow these simple steps! Read on further to find out how to make your New Year’s resolution a reality.

1. Get organized

Staying organized can be one of the most challenging tasks, particularly when you’re a hard-working middle-class adult. It can often mean putting other people’s needs before your own and prioritizing another’s a success over your own goals. But here we present a New Year’s resolution that could put YOU first: come December 31, 2023, why not start the new year with three months of savings? With some discipline and creative organization on your part, creating this cushion of finances provides financial freedom to explore more adventures and unlock directions for professional growth! So what are you waiting for? Get organized now and work towards your own goals this coming new year.

2. Figure out what you need and want

It sounds daunting, especially after a gruelling year, to start taking an inventory of what one needs and wants. But it’s like keeping a house in good order: if you spend a little bit of time now tidying it up, you don’t need to invest much effort later. Figuring out what we want and need is part of creating a sound savings plan to get us where we want to be financially in the years ahead. It takes commitment and dedication, but those who stay focused on their financial goals are rewarded at the end–for example, by having three months of savings by December 31, 2023. Start organizing your needs and wants today!

3. Set a budget and stick to it

For most of us, budgeting and saving money are not a priority. We can afford the little luxuries like late-night delivery or spa days but then comes the end of the month, and we’re surprised to find ourselves broke! However, with a wise budget and some discipline, you can reach new heights in your savings this year. It’s important to remember that setting a budget is not about deprivation. It’s about being conscious and planning for what you want with your money – whether taking a break from work or investing in something exciting. So why wait? Get started on your frugal living journey this New Year by setting a sensible budget, and stick to it no matter what!

4. Make a plan

“Making a plan is the first step to achieving any goal, and for those looking to save up for the holidays this year, it’s essential. That’s why setting out a timeline for yourself will help: it gives a definitive endpoint to what you’re trying to achieve and helps break the process down into smaller achievable steps. Making saving easier on yourself by tracking your progress is key, too, so knowing exactly how much money you need to hit your ultimate goal will help hold you accountable and provide an incentive to make more progress. Additionally, taking advantage of small wins along the way – such as a bonus or windfall of cash – can provide extra motivation if you feel you’re running behind schedule. The key is to create a plan that works with your lifestyle and goals, whatever they may be!”

5. Stay motivated!

When it comes to staying really motivated and achieving your New Year’s resolutions, it can be very easy to get sidetracked or give up when the going gets tough. However, with a little determination and some helpful tips, you can stay motivated, reach achievable goals and take 2023 by storm! As you start your journey of three months of savings by December 31, 2023, remember to find ways to stay motivated. Start small by setting short-term goals, such as saving a small amount each week. Once you start achieving these smaller goals and using that success to fuel your inner drive, you’ll find it easier to reach the significant milestones along the way. So, don’t let fear of failure stop you – think positively and keep pushing forward; you’ve got this!

Thank you for reading!