Understanding Communication Styles with the Office Dynamics Communication Style Assessment

I’m often need to briefly address communication styles in various courses I teach or coaching sessions I do. One of the most effective devices for quickly discovering a person’s communication style is the Office Dynamics Communication Style Assessment. This tool is invaluable for identifying how individuals express themselves and interact with others, enhancing both personal and professional relationships.

What Is the Office Dynamics Communication Style Assessment?

The Office Dynamics Communication Style Assessment categorizes communication styles into four main types: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue. Each style has distinct characteristics that influence how individuals process information, make decisions, and interact with others.

  1. Red: Concrete, impulsive, and action-oriented. Reds prefer short-term objectives, dislike indecision, and value precision and efficiency.
  2. Yellow: Empathetic, intuitive, and relationship-focused. Yellows thrive on involvement, harmony, and friendly interactions.
  3. Green: Analytical, precise, and systematic. Greens value consistency, clear procedures, and logic, often preferring to work alone.
  4. Blue: Creative, introspective, and conceptual. Blues enjoy personal freedom, expressing ideas, and are often involved in long-range planning and creative thinking.

Why Understanding Communication Styles Matters

Recognizing and adapting to different communication styles can significantly improve interactions and reduce misunderstandings. In a professional setting, it can enhance teamwork, conflict resolution, and overall workplace harmony.

Taking the Assessment

To discover your communication style, you can take the Office Dynamics Communication Style Assessment. This quick and easy tool will provide you with insights into your preferred communication style and offer tips on how to interact more effectively with others.


Understanding your communication style and those of your colleagues can lead to more effective and harmonious interactions. Whether you’re leading a team, working on a project, or simply trying to improve your interpersonal skills, the Office Dynamics Communication Style Assessment is an excellent tool to help you navigate the complexities of human communication.

By joe