I am big fan of James Clear and Atomic Habits. In my approach to coaching, I remember people that we can accomplish nearly any outcome goal we set for ourselves, if we are willing to scaffold our goals and adhere to the process goals we set for ourselves. This requires us to build in the micro-goals (or intentional behaviors that ultimately become our unintentional habits). This is where my use of #BettebyFriday becomes so important. These are the little things that make a big difference!

Incremental Progress and Habit Stacking: #BetterByFriday focuses on making small, consistent improvements each week to foster a better self. This idea is deeply rooted in Clear’s concept of habit stacking, where new habits are built on top of existing ones. By leveraging already established routines, individuals can seamlessly integrate new, healthier habits into their daily lives. This approach aligns perfectly with #BetterByFriday’s emphasis on achievable, incremental steps towards overall well-being.

Micro-Goals as Habit Stacks: In the goal-setting model used in the Comprehensive Fitness approach, micro-goals are akin to the habits discussed by Clear. These micro-goals are the small, manageable steps that lead to larger process and outcome goals. By identifying and stacking these micro-goals onto existing habits, individuals can ensure they are taking consistent, deliberate actions towards their fitness and wellness objectives. For example, if an employee’s goal is to improve physical fitness, they might stack a micro-goal of doing ten push-ups after brushing their teeth each morning.

Building Comprehensive Fitness through Synaptic Pruning: Clear’s discussion on synaptic pruning highlights how repeated actions strengthen specific neural connections, making the associated behaviors more ingrained and efficient. This biological process supports the idea of comprehensive fitness by reinforcing the interconnected habits across all nine domains (Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Social, Spiritual, Environmental, Occupational, Financial, and Family Fitness). For instance, regularly practicing gratitude (an emotional fitness habit) strengthens neural pathways associated with positive thinking, enhancing overall emotional resilience and well-being.

Practical Application in #BetterByFriday Framework

Specificity and Achievability: Clear emphasizes the importance of specificity in habit stacking. This is crucial in the #BetterByFriday framework as well. Setting clear, specific micro-goals ensures that employees understand exactly what steps to take and when. For instance, instead of a vague goal like “be healthier,” a specific habit stack would be, “After I brew my morning coffee, I will take a five-minute walk.” This clear, actionable step can significantly enhance adherence and success rates.

Encouraging Habit Stacking in the Workplace: Small business owners and frontline supervisors can incorporate habit stacking into their #BetterByFriday initiatives by encouraging employees to identify their existing routines and find logical places to add new, healthy habits. For example, a supervisor might suggest, “After you finish your lunch, take five minutes to stretch and reflect on something positive that happened today.” This not only promotes physical and emotional fitness but also embeds well-being practices into the daily workflow.

Holistic Integration across Fitness Domains: The concept of habit stacking can be applied across all domains of comprehensive fitness. For example:

  • Physical Fitness: After you finish your morning meeting, do a quick 5-minute exercise routine.
  • Emotional Fitness: After you check your emails, write down one thing you are grateful for.
  • Intellectual Fitness: After your afternoon coffee, read an article related to your field.
  • Social Fitness: After logging off from work, send a message to a friend or colleague.

By utilizing Clear’s habit stacking strategy, the #BetterByFriday framework becomes even more actionable and effective, helping individuals make continuous, small improvements that compound over time to achieve comprehensive fitness.

By joe