Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the contributions and achievements of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) throughout US history. AAPI individuals and communities have contributed greatly to shaping the country’s cultural, economic, and political landscape, and this month provides an opportunity to learn and appreciate their experiences.

Here are five ways to observe and celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month:

  1. Educate Yourself: Take some time to learn about the diverse cultures, traditions, and histories of AAPI communities. Read books, watch documentaries, and explore online resources to gain a deeper understanding of the AAPI experience in America.
  2. Support AAPI Businesses: Show your support for the AAPI community by shopping at AAPI-owned businesses. You can find these businesses in your local community or online. By supporting AAPI-owned businesses, you’re not only helping these entrepreneurs thrive, but you’re also helping to promote diversity and cultural awareness.
  3. Attend Local Events: Many communities host cultural festivals and events in May to celebrate AAPI Heritage Month. Check your local events calendar for opportunities to attend these events and learn about the AAPI community’s culture and traditions.
  4. Volunteer or Donate to AAPI Organizations: Consider volunteering or making a donation to organizations that support and empower the AAPI community. These organizations provide crucial services and support to AAPI individuals and families, from social services to legal aid.
  5. Share Your Support on Social Media: Use your social media platforms to amplify AAPI voices, raise awareness about AAPI issues, and share your support for the AAPI community. You can also use hashtags like #AAPIHeritageMonth to join the online conversation and connect with others who are celebrating and supporting AAPI heritage.

To learn more about Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and how to get involved, visit Let’s celebrate and honor the rich and diverse contributions of the AAPI community!