Administrative Professionals Day

Administrative Professionals Day is a holiday in the United States that celebrates the contributions of administrative professionals to the workplace. Also known as Secretaries Day, the holiday is observed on the Wednesday of the last full week of April.

The holiday was first established in 1952 by the International Association of Administrative Professionals to recognize the important role that administrative professionals play in supporting the success of businesses and organizations. Today, the holiday is celebrated not only in the United States but also in other countries around the world.

On this day, employers and managers typically show their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of their administrative staff by giving gifts or hosting special events. Popular gifts for Administrative Professionals Day include flowers, gift cards, and personalized items such as mugs or plaques.

If you are an administrative professional, this day serves as an opportunity to reflect on the important role you play in your workplace and the contributions you make to the success of your organization. It is also a time to feel appreciated and recognized for your hard work.

If you are an employer or manager, consider taking this opportunity to express your gratitude to your administrative staff. You can show your appreciation in many ways, such as giving a gift, hosting a lunch or breakfast, or simply expressing your thanks with a heartfelt message.

To learn more about Administrative Professionals Day and how you can celebrate this holiday, check out the International Association of Administrative Professionals website at