
Spiritualism is a religious movement that emerged in the United States in the mid-19th century. It is based on the belief in communication with the spirits of the dead through mediumship. Spiritualists believe that the dead are able to communicate with the living and offer guidance and wisdom from the afterlife.

Central to Spiritualism is the idea of personal responsibility and individual spiritual growth. Practitioners often engage in spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and channeling to develop their connection to the spirit world. They also hold services and seances to facilitate communication with the dead.

Spiritualism has been influential in shaping other spiritual and religious movements, particularly New Thought, Theosophy, and the New Age movement. Today, Spiritualism continues to be a vibrant religious movement with practitioners all over the world. Despite its popularity, it remains controversial and is often misunderstood by other religious communities, including some Christian denominations.

Note: this post is intended to broaden the perspective of all readers and is merely a brief introduction. I encourage you to continue to explore by seeking additional content, attending multicultural events, and through curious conversations with members of this faith.
